Over 60 years’ expertise in
Our Key Technology: The Pulvaporizator®
Thanks to its revolutionary thermal oxidizer called Pulvaporizator®, VICHEM offers a
treatment of hazardous or very hazardous waste, while maintaining an extremely low level
of dioxins and nitrogen oxides. The Pulvaporizator®'s concept is designed as one of the
most advanced low-NOx & low-dioxin thermal oxidizer. The Pulvaporizator® atomizes and
vaporizes the waste in one single step, hence achieving:
- Complete destruction: DRE > 99.9999% due to high turbulence
- No risk of plugging with salt or other type of solids
- Treatment of high viscosity liquid waste with solids & salts, & all pulverulent solids without
using a rotary kiln
- Simultaneous processing of different liquid streams
- A capacity ranging from 0 to 120%
- Treatment of very low heating value waste
- Use of all types of fuel as heavy oil or hydrogen
Scope Of Supply
From engineering to commissioning including all equipment as heat recovery system, acid
production, De-NOx system, gas filtration, etc…
Centralized Solid Waste Treatment
- Automatic waste feeding system
- Special water tube boiler to
avoid plugging & corrosion
VCM or ECH Waste Treatment
- High pressure steam production
- Anhydrous HCI gas recycled to
oxychlorination reactor
- No dioxins
Carbon TetraChloride Decomposition
- HCI solution recovery
- Steam production
- No dioxins
Petrochemical Waste
- Spent caustic soda, ethylene, Butane,
Ethyl benzene, Polyethylene, SBS, oily
sludges, TDI, etc.
- Production of steam and electricity
Sludge from Refinery
- Water tube boiler producing 40 barg
steam followed by electricity production
PCB Transformer Dismantling & Recycling
- Destruction of PCB (PolyChloroBiphenyl)
- Copper and scrap steel recovery
- HCI solution recovery
- High pressure steam recovery
- Payback in less than 2 years
CDM Projects – HFC 23 Decomposition
- Technology recognised by UN Authorities
- No dioxins
- Instrumentation and Gas Measurement to
meet CDM Executive Board requirements
- Payback in less than 6 months

Pharmaceutical waste treatment, France
Capacity (kg/hr): 11000 kg/hr
Waste Treated: Chlorinated and Salted
- High corrosion resistance alloy Pulvaporizator®
- De-NOx system (SCR) to treat NOx
- Special water tube boiler to prevent salt plugging
- Recovery of HCI solution
VCM & Waste Treatment Plant, Poland
Capacity (kg/hr): 4200 kg/hr
Waste Treated: Mix waste including VCM & PCB
- Three types of wastes (Solid, liquid and Gas)
in one single unit
- Anhydrous pure HCI gas recovery.
- Special boiler to prevent corrosion and plugging

Petrochemical & Refinery, Romania
Capacity (kg/hr): 87000 kg/hr
Waste Treated: Mix of Hazardous Waste
- Flexibility of running with 3
Pulvaporizator® in one single unit
- De-NOx system (SCR) to treat NOx
- Recovery of superheated steam 40 barg